This program focuses on constantly working toward improving students who qualify and their academic achievement. We provide alternative learning methods for students who are achieving below set Utah State core standards. These methods utilized help students make steps toward achieving a higher-quality of educational experience.
*Additional instructional staff
*Professional development as needed
*Extended-time programs
*Other programs and strategies as seen necessary for each individual student.
Parent/Qualification Letter:
Parent/Qualification Letter K-3rd (English) pdf
Parent/Qualification Letter 4th-5th (English) pdf
Student Parent Teacher Compact:
Student Parent Teacher Compact (English)
Parent & Family Engagement Policy:
Parent & Family Engagement Policy(English)
Questions: Contact
Stephanie Roper
Ferron Elementary
Title I…provides financial assistance to states and school districts to meet the needs of educationally at-risk students.
The goal of Title I is to provide extra instructional services and activities which support students identified as failing or most at risk of failing the state’s challenging performance standards in mathematics, reading, and writing.
The Title I program will provide your student with extra educational assistance beyond the regular classroom. These services may come in the form of inclusion (within the classroom) extra services, pull-out as one-on-one, or in some form of a small group setting.
*The federal government provides funding to each state.
*The State Educational Agency sends money to its school districts.
--The amount of money is determined by the number of low-income students attending that school.
*Students DO NOT have to be low income to receive Title I services.
*A combination of three assessment forms is utilized for referral. These may include the following as well as other criteria: Dibels, SAGE, summative and/or formative assessments, classroom observation of student performance skills and work. The combination of these may be as a referral from the regular educator or the Title I Coordinator.
*A parent CAN NOT make a Title I referral.
-Smaller classes/special instructional spaces
-Additional paraprofessionals
-Extra time for teaching Title I students’ skills they need.
-A variety of supplementary teaching methods.
-Measurement of student progress to determine the success of each student.
In Emery School District, all programs and services are open to all persons regardless of their race, color, national origin, sex, age, and disabilities.
© 2024 Emery County School District